1. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary proceedings of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws. The order of business shall be.

A. Opening of the meeting.
B. Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting.
C. Reading of correspondence.
D. Financial report.
E. Report of officers.
F. Report of committees.
G. Old business.
H. New business.
I. Good and welfare of the club.
J. Closing of the meeting.

2. The club shall be empowered to create or dissolve committees as it sees fit to serve the best interest of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB.

3. The club dues shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) per year for each full member. The dues for each current year shall be due no later than the fifteenth (15th) of April. Any full member behind in his or her dues shall be considered not in good standing and shall not be entitled to vote at club meetings and may be expelled from the club by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing at the next regular club meeting.

4. In consideration for full membership of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB candidates are required to have attended three runs, the “Three Run Rule” and being voted on. (As stated in #8 and #15 of the bylaws.) Due to being an Associate member prior, the ten dollar ($10.00) initiation fee shall be wavered.

5. All full member are encouraged to complete at least three (3) runs, tours or functions per year. (As stated in # 15 of the bylaws.)

6. All bills must be paid by check or debit card in a prompt manner and must be signed by the Treasurer or the President.

7. Only full members in good standing for one (1) year or more shall be eligible to hold office in the club.

8. Application for full membership must be sponsored by one (1) full member in good standing. Upon payment of the ten dollar ($10.00) initiation fee, the applicant will be placed on probation for a period of not less than one month, or more than one year. At the expiration of that time, his or her conduct being satisfactory, and having satisfied a three (3) meeting requirement for new members and the “Three Ride Rule” (As stated in #15 of the bylaws). Prospective members must be voted on by the full members in good standing at the earliest possible meeting. To become a full member he or she must be approved by two thirds (2/3) majority of the voting ballots. After approval and payment for there full members patch and dues the probationary member is entitled to all rights, responsibilities and privileges as a full member of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB.

9. Charter Membership in the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB *may be achieved* by a vote of the active Charter Members if said member has shown the type of club support expected of a Charter Member and completed ten (10) years in good standing of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB.

10. The dress uniform for the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB shall be a long sleeved dress shirt in either black, gold (yellow) or blue. The shirt may have the club full member patch on the back. Optionally an American Motorcycle Association patch on the left upper sleeve. A state patch or US / Canada flag on the right upper sleeve. The members name, nick name or club officers rank may appear over the left breast pocket area. Charter Members may wear a Charter Member plate over the right breast pocket area. No other patches, pins or writing shall adorn the shirt. NOTHING may be attached to or hanging from the full member patch. (patches, pins, feathers, etc:)

11. A member may be expelled from the club for “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A MEMBER”. Any member acting in such a manner that endangers the life or property of another member or should act in such a manner as to cause an adverse public opinion, reaction, club friction or complaint from fellow members shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Board. Charges shall be made to the member in writing at which time said member shall be given a hearing before the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consider the evidence related to the incident and provide a recommendation to the membership. It shall require a two thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present to accept or reject the Executive Boards recommendation.

12. FULL MEMBERS of the Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB may not be a full member of any other motorcycle club or motorcycle organization that requires that you pay full membership dues or wear a full members patch or insignia.

13. Elections will be held annually at the club awards banquet (Christmas Party). Election shall be by secret ballet. Nominations for officers shall be held prior to the elections.

14. Each full member in good standing of the HI-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB shall have one (1) and only one (1) vote. Voting by mail or E-mail shall be permitted for members outside a one hundred and twenty five (125) mile radius of the voting location. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.

15. The “THREE RIDE RULE” required for new members and suggested for full members shall be. One (1) Hi-ROLLERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB sponsored overnight event and one of any event, all to be from the Hi-ROLLERS Motorcycle CLUB ride schedule. The three (3) rides are to be made on a motorcycle.

16. All full members in good standing of the Hi-ROLLERS Motorcycle Club shall be required to display a full members patch or a shirt depicting the club name at all designated club group functions. Failure to be in compliance will result in a verbal notification from the club Referee. If a second infraction should in cure within the same riding season a twenty dollar ($20.00) fine shall be imposed.